The most frequently asked question about IIX Values™


IIX Values™ is a digital impact measurement platform that measures, verifies, and amplifies the positive impact of businesses and stakeholders in underserved communities globally. If you are an Impact Enterprise, IIX Values™ can help you bridge the gaps for a growing ecosystem of investors, corporates and consumers who are conscious about investing in, sourcing for, and using products and services that are sustainable. IIX Values™ also enables you to better communicate your impact and ESG performance.

The impact reporting process takes you through a series of questionnaires covering general, social and environmental impact areas as well as sector-specific impact aspects. Using the data you provide, IIX Values™ generates a comprehensive impact report to help you manifest your impact using various globally recognized standards and metrics.

Whether you are an enterprise, investor, procurement officer, or consumer, IIX Values™ offers a range of products and services to help you build credibility, transparency, and accountability along your impact journey. Here are a few ways how different groups can use IIX Values™:

  1. Enterprises can measure, manage, verify and report their positive social and environmental impact to gain access to sustainable financing.
  2. Investors or portfolio managers can measure and benchmark the impact and risk of their portfolios to make informed decisions and maximize their sustainability and impact progress.
  3. Procurement officers can improve their supplier selection strategy with deep supply chain data and mapping across sectors, countries, and regions.
  4. Consumers can verify the social and environmental impact, which will then be reflected in the enterprise’s verified impact and risk scores.

IIX Values™ is unique because:

  1. It is created by IIX, the pioneer in impact measurement and a global leader in sustainability with more than a decade of experience in conducting over 700 impact assessments.
  2. It is investor-aligned and linked to the capital-raise process, having been tested in existing deal scenarios, such as IIX’s crowdfunding platform, Impact Partners and public market instruments, such as the Women’s Livelihood Bond Series.
  3. It is cost-effective and easy to use. IIX Values™ is entirely digital, making the platform accessible and easily manageable by the enterprises themselves.
  4. It is a sector-agnostic tool that allows anyone, from any country, working in any sector to measure their impact. It also dives deeper into key sectors, including Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Apparel, Education, Clean Energy, Financial Inclusion and Healthcare.
  5. It is verified by customers on the ground, ensuring that impact created by the enterprise can be felt at the last mile.
  6. It has credibility backed up by IIX’s reputation as an investor, intermediary, and global leader in impact measurement and assessment.
  1. IIX Values™ correlates the enterprise’s impact creation and financial health. By addressing the three dimensions of risk-return-impact (RRI) through IIX’s impact assessments and IIX Values™, businesses and investors are equipped with the tools to measure RRI leverage insights for risk mitigation and to steer sustainable business growth for COVID resilience.
  2. By bringing together risk-return-impact, investors are able to leverage RRI to create a risk mitigation strategy, and diversify their portfolio to weather the storm.
  3. Businesses are equipped to create proactive mechanisms that improve or deepen their impact on underserved communities, diversify their products and services, and become more inclusive by providing opportunities to everyone in society. With the risk, return and impact analysis, businesses can also bring greater value to their regular financial reporting cycle.
  1. Sustainable development agenda: IIX Values™ builds on the shared language for development and impact as set out in the UN SDGs and conventions of the Impact Management Project.
  2. Impact measurement: IIX Values™ builds on metrics within IRIS+ — the generally accepted impact accounting system that leading impact investors use to measure, manage, and optimize their impact. It also leverages the GRI standards which are widely recognized and used by enterprises globally to manage and report on their sustainability impact in a consistent and credible way.
  3. ESG analysis: IIX Values™ is also aligned with the IFC’s Environmental and Social Performance Standards — which define IFC clients' responsibilities for managing their environmental and social risks, and the UNPRI — which offers guidelines for incorporating ESG into investment practices and is used globally in a majority of the world’s professionally managed investments.
  1. IIX Values™ offers a free Preliminary Impact Report that captures unverified impact provided by your enterprise, including the mission, impact activities and outcomes, as well as your enterprise’s alignment to the UN SDGs Or a free Preliminary ESG Report that captures unverified ESG performance of your enterprise, including ESG policies, practices and outcome as well as your enterprises's alignment to international ESG standards.
  2. Users can pay US$99 to unlock deeper insights with the Full Unverified Impact Report which includes your enterprise’s IIX  Values™ score for impact performance , the IIX Sustainability Pyramid™, Country & SDG insights, and Sector-specific outcomes or pay US$179 to generate a Full Unverified ESG Report which includes your enterprise's IIX Values™ and ESG score, the IIX Sustainability Pyramid™, an assessment of your enterprise's ESG policies, practices and performance against international standards as well as country, SDG and sector-specific insights.
  3. Users can also opt to add on the Verification service which starts from US$350 (depending on the number of respondents undertaking the verification survey) to generate a Full Verified Impact Report or Full Verified ESG Report which validates your enterprise's impact or ESG performance.

The basic service bases the impact report on the data provided by your enterprise only. With the premium service, the perceived social and environmental impact is further validated, verified, and re-calculated through customer surveys. An updated impact report with a revised and verified impact score along with customer testimonials is generated — enhancing the credibility of your enterprise’s social and environmental impact.

  1. You can choose to subscribe to the premium service after receiving your enterprise’s basic impact report. Once the necessary fees are paid, you will be requested to provide a list of customers and their corresponding contact details. From this point, no further effort is required from you — just sit back, relax, and wait for your updated report.
  2. In the meantime, IIX will reach out to the list of customers and send them a tailored survey. The information collected from these surveys will contribute towards the updated and verified impact report.
  1. IIX Values™’ premium service gives voice to your customers regardless of race, gender or income level, as well as a value to their voices in your journeys of raising capital and scaling your business.
  2. By subscribing to the premium service, you unlock a set of customer surveys tailored to your enterprise. This helps verify the information provided by your enterprise — enhancing the credibility of your impact score and report.
  1. The Basic Impact Report is based on the information reported by you, and consists of three main sections:
    • Summary of key facts including basic enterprise information, intention, activities, and outcomes
    • Country and sector overview
    • Impact and risk scoring
  2. The Premium Impact Report consists of five sections:
    • Summary of key facts including basic enterprise information, intention, activities, and outcomes
    • Country and sector overview
    • Impact and risk scoring
    • Key findings from customer surveys
    • Customer testimonials, including stories of change and recommendations

For transparency and accountability, all Impact Reports will be published on the website, unless you indicate otherwise. Additionally, all verified (Premium) Impact Reports will be made available to customers who participated in the verification process.

The unverified (Basic) Impact Report will be sent to you as soon as the information has been processed. This will typically take a week. It will take 4-6 weeks for the verified (Premium) Impact Report to be published.

  1. Enterprises are scored on a scale of 0-10. An Impact Score of 0 suggests a traditional business that does not create any social and/or environment change while an Impact Score of 10 denotes an all-rounded ‘impact enterprise’ creating maximal social and environmental impact. Similarly, a Risk Score of 0 suggests a traditional business that does not contribute towards risk reduction while a Risk Score of 10 denotes maximum risk mitigation i.e. the enterprise is reducing exposure to harm and increasing coping capacity in most, if not all, aspects.
  2. The enterprise’s Impact Score is weighted across three dimensions - Intention (20%), Practices (30%), and Outputs and Outcomes (50%). The Risk Score is weighted across two dimensions – Exposure to Harm (50%) and Coping Capacity (50%).
  3. Points are received for every positive answer to a question and points can never be lost. Every point reflects incremental positive impact.
  1. The ESG+ Score is supported by a similar methodology wherein, a score of 0 suggests that the enterprise does not incorporate any ESG standards while a score of 10 denotes alignment with majority ESG standards and criteria.
  2. The ESG+ Score is weighted across three dimensions – Environment, Social, and Governance.
  3. Points are received for every positive answer to a question and points can never be lost. Every point reflects incremental positive impact.

Yes, IIX offers Impact Assessment Advisory services for corporations, investors, and portfolio managers looking to assess the impact of their business or portfolios. If you are interested in engaging our advisory services, please reach out to us at [email protected].

  1. Impact Verification is the process by which the impact reported is confirmed with the target population. Verification is important because it ensures that the impact and work of an enterprise is felt at the last mile and is making a real difference on the ground. This information is valuable for communicating to investors, clients, consumers, and other potential patrons about the impact of the enterprise’s work.
  2. Through enabling Impact Verification, IIX Values™ gives voice to your customers regardless of race, gender or income level, as well as a value to their voices in your journeys of raising capital and scaling your business.

Verification is conducted in the local language using mobile technology. Once the customers fill out the survey, a score will be generated to demonstrate the accuracy of the enterprise’s impact score in the impact report.

Absolutely. IIX Values™’ verification capability is available in 12 major languages across seven continents. The 12 languages include: English, Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesian, Bengali, Hindi, Khmer, Sinhalese, Swahili, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. For additional translation requests, please contact us at [email protected].

With data collected through impact assessments, IIX Values™ creates interactive analytics and dashboards that allow you to benchmark and compare impact performance by sector, country, and region. These data points can be used to improve business and impact performance, run analyses on regional and sectoral impact relative to the SDGs, and deepen impact on underserved communities.

  1. The Impact Report tool helps you communicate your (verified) impact performance to various stakeholders such as impact investors and consumers, and also acts as a means for you to be accountable to your customers around the world.
  2. The ESG+ tool blends Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors alongside impact metrics analyzed within a Basic IIX Values™ Impact Report, enabling you to better understand your current performance across the ESG metrics and identify gaps that can be addressed through corporate sustainability policy.

The Impact Survey is designed to efficiently extract and assess your organization's impact and risk information, and questions center around the following areas:

  • "What" impact and "How" it is created by your organization: For instance, an agricultural inputs and training provider could enhance agricultural productivity [impact created] amongst the farmers it serves through improving access to products, services and training [how it is created]
  • Impact of organization's work on direct beneficiaries: Consider if impact outcomes including increased income, enhanced skills and knowledge, improvements in health, improved livelihoods have arisen amongst end users due to your organization's products and services
  • Impact of organization's work on the family and/or community of direct beneficiaries: Consider if these populations have experienced an increase in the quality of life because of your organization's products and services -- this could look like families eating better food, feeling more secure, having improved access to water and sanitation, as well as education
  • Environmental Impact: Consider how your organization conducts climate mitigation, adaptation and/or transformation activities, information on total carbon emissions (metric tons) avoided would also be relevant

Before you start your IIX Values™ Impact Survey, check that you have the following key information on hand to speed up the assessment process:

  1. Number of beneficiaries served by your organization;
  2. Number of women beneficiaries/ % of beneficiaries that are women;
  3. Carbon emission reductions (metric tons) in the past year;
  4. Summary of activities carried out by your organization;
  5. Type of impact created by your organization;
  6. Impact on direct beneficiaries, their family and community;
  7. Company's Annual/ Sustainability Report (if available);
  8. Information on Company's Annual Revenue and types of company policies (environmental, HR, code of conduct etc.)

The ESG assessment integrates ESG criteria alongside impact metrics. As such for the ESG assessment, in addition to the above-mentioned pointers, respondents should also be familiar with relevant company policies and internal control measures related to social and environmental risk management.

Before you start your IIX Values™ ESG+ Survey, check that you have the following key information on hand to speed up the assessment process:

  1. Number of beneficiaries served by your organization;
  2. Number of women beneficiaries/ % of beneficiaries that are women;
  3. Number of women employees/ % of employees that are women;
  4. Number/ % of employees that are specially-abled;
  5. Number/ % of employees with ethnic/ minority backgrounds;
  6. Carbon emission reductions (metric tons) in the past year;
  7. Summary of activities carried out by your organization;
  8. Type of impact created by your organization;
  9. Impact on direct beneficiaries, their family and community;
  10. Summary of International Certifications complied with, if any;
  11. Copies of your company policy documents (HR, Code of Conduct, Sustainability Policy etc.);
  12. Company's Annual/ Sustainability Report (if available);
  13. Information on Board of Directors (composition, management practices etc.)
  14. Information on Company's Annual Revenue and types of company policies (environmental, HR, code of conduct etc.)

On the login page click “Forgot Password?”, and enter your email ID to reset your password.

IIX Values™ is constantly building our questions bank. At present, the questions for your chosen sector are still being developed. You may continue with the general impact questions to receive a general Impact Report. We will notify you once the sector-specific questions are available.

It may take some time for the report to load. If the problem persists, please drop us an email at [email protected].

Yes, you can click the small arrow at the bottom of the webpage and select the “Save Draft” or the “Save Draft & Exit” option. Your progress will then be saved as a draft, which you can return to whenever you want.

If your company is interested in ESG but does not have the relevant policies in place, you can learn how to get started with courses from our IIX Institute.

Impact and ESG measurements are important to understand your enterprise’s impact and risk performance. This information can be communicated to consumers looking to support enterprises making impact or to investors with impact interests and limited risk appetite.

We recommend that an IIX Values™ assessment be updated on an annual basis.

If you are an impact enterprise, you can use IIX Values™ to communicate your impact to consumers and risk to stakeholders, while at the same time refine your work to deepen your impact on last mile communities. All of these benefits can come from the impact and ESG reports generated through IIX Values™ along with accompanying data analytics at the country, sector, and regional levels. Moreover,

  1. IIX Values™ correlates your enterprise’s impact creation and financial health. With the risk, return and impact analysis, you can bring greater value to your enterprise’s regular financial reporting cycle.
  2. IIX Values™ gives voice to your customers regardless of race, gender or income level, as well as a value to their voices in your journeys of raising capital and scaling your business.
  3. IIX Values™ aligns your impact progress with industry standards that are recognized by leaders all over the world. With the impact report, you can effectively compare and communicate your efforts and results to your team and supporters.

For the most accurate and comprehensive results, we recommend staff at the management level or above to take charge of completing the process.

  1. For an Impact Report, we recommend that you have on hand basic information about your enterprise’s customers and impact outcomes of your products or services. You may find it helpful to prepare annual reports or materials that include impact data and sustainability performance for reference during the process.
  2. For an ESG Report, we recommend that you prepare documents, if any, such as your company’s policies, proofs of certifications and annual reports or materials that include impact data, sustainability performance, or ESG disclosures, both for reference and submission during the process.

The process typically takes no more than 30 minutes to complete, if you have the required information and documents readily available.

IIX Values™ connects investors and donors to impact data to help them understand the impact and risk of their portfolio companies or potential investments at the company, sector, national, and regional levels. This information can be useful for fulfilling an investment mandate or communicating to clients that value impact.

For investors, IIX Values™ can be used in the due diligence process of evaluating a potential investment by providing information on impact and risk, as well as data analytics for comparison and benchmarking. This can help you make decisions based on your own impact interests and risk appetite.

You can request that companies use IIX Values™ to measure their impact and publish their impact reports. This way, as a consumer, you can make informed decisions about how to spend your money in a way that fosters a sustainable and inclusive market.

The call to action is your opportunity to make your voice heard in the market and demand that companies are transparent with their supply chains and the impact they are making. By exercising your voice, you can make a direct contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals on a global scale.

There is no limit to the number of companies you can reach out to use IIX Values™.

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